A Department of Justice study<https://www.ncjrs.gov/ pdffiles1/ojjdp/227744.pdf> shows that 60 percent of children nationwide are exposed to violence, crime, or abuse; consequences include poor school performance, drug and alcohol abuse, long-term physical and psychological harm, and risk of future victimization and suicide.
Access “Special Feature: Child Abuse<https://www.ncjrs.gov/ childabuse>,” a compilation of publications and resources from the National Criminal Justice Reference Service<https://www.ncjrs.gov/ > in observance of National Child Abuse Prevention Month.
Read OJJDP’s series on the National Survey of Children’s Exposure to Violence<http://ojjdp.gov/ Publications/PubResults.asp? sei=94&ti=1&si=44&kw=exposure+ to+violence&strItem=Funding% 2C+Programs%2C+Publications% 2C+Events%2C+State+Contacts% 2C+Press+Releases& strSingleItem=Publications&p= topic&PreviousPage= SearchResults>.