60 percent of children in America are exposed to violence, crime, or abuse

A Department of Justice study shows that 60 percent of children nationwide are exposed to violence, crime, or abuse; consequences include poor school performance, drug and alcohol abuse, long-term physical and psychological harm, and risk of future victimization and suicide.

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Sex Assaults in Prison-54 Percent of Staff Related Incidents Involved Female Employees

Correctional administrators reported 8,763 allegations of sexual victimization in prisons, jails and other adult correctional facilities in 2011, More than half (54 percent) of all substantiated incidents of staff sexual misconduct and a quarter (26 percent) of all incidents of staff sexual harassment were committed by female staff.

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42 percent of felony convictions result in a sentence to prison. 33 percent go to jail

Incarceration sentences were almost evenly divided between prison (36%) and jail (37%) in 2009. Felony convictions were more likely to result in a sentence to prison (42%) than jail (33%). Nearly all incarceration sentences for misdemeanor convictions were to jail (53%) rather than prison (3%).

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