Crime in America Decreases in 2014

For a comprehensive overview of crime in the Unites States, see For a comprehensive analysis of crime in cities and states, see Preliminary figures indicate…

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Most crime occurs at home, roads, parking lots, schools and bars per FBI/NIBRS

The FBI released details on more than 5.6 million criminal offenses reported via the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) in 2013. The Uniform Crime Reporting…

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42 percent of felony convictions result in a sentence to prison. 33 percent go to jail

Incarceration sentences were almost evenly divided between prison (36%) and jail (37%) in 2009. Felony convictions were more likely to result in a sentence to prison (42%) than jail (33%). Nearly all incarceration sentences for misdemeanor convictions were to jail (53%) rather than prison (3%).

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Correctional Programs Reduce Crime-Update-Two New Programs Offered

Crime in America.Net Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to subscribe to the RSS feed for updates on this topic. Powered…

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Crime in mid-size metropolitan areas rising faster than larger metro areas

Crime in America.Net Dear readers. We keep getting inquiries about city and state crime comparisons and we keep saying that it’s really difficult to make…

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