Are Police Agencies "In Shambles" Affecting Crime Reporting?

Are Police Agencies “In Shambles” Affecting Crime Reporting?

Highlights Are law enforcement staffing levels affecting reported crime?  Are there additional reasons for reduced reported crime via the FBI? Author Leonard Adam Sipes, Jr.…

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The Reporting Paradox: Rising Crime in North America Amidst Declining US Crime

Is US Crime Really Declining? Or Is It A Lack Of Crime Reporting?

Highlights Is US crime really declining or is it a lack of reporting? Are we denying the reality of US crime? Are we dismissing the…

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Are Police Agencies "In Shambles" Affecting Crime Reporting?

Cops Believe That Cities Are Cooking The Books On Crime

Highlights Cops and others in the justice system believe that reported decreases in crime are wrong. They believe that crime is increasing. If the Oakland…

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