High volume telephone calls mask fraud. Resources to fight fraud available.

Dear readers: Fraud continues to be one of our top inquiries as people struggle to defend themselves. It’s almost impossible to keep up with the array of computer, phone and e-mail based frauds.

One of us was in the process of responding to an e-mail notification and he was ready to hit the send button before realizing that the website/e-mail was nothing more than a wonderfully realistic attempt to commit fraud. If we can be fooled, you can be fooled.

At the bottom of the warning is a list of resources you can use to protect yourself.

Crime in America.Net

06/21/10—The FBI Newark Division released a warning to consumers concerning a new scheme using telecommunications denial-of-service (TDoS) attacks.

The FBI determined fraudsters compromised victim accounts and contacted financial institutions to change the victim profile information (i.e., e-mail addresses, telephone numbers, and bank account numbers).

The TDoS attacks used automated dialing programs and multiple accounts to overwhelm victims’ cell phones and land lines with thousands of calls. When victims answered the calls they heard dead air (nothing on the other end), an innocuous recorded message, advertisement, or a telephone sex menu. Calls were typically short in duration but so numerous that victims changed their phone numbers to terminate the attack.

These TDoS attacks were used as a diversion to prevent financial and brokerage institutions from verifying victim account changes and transactions. Fraudsters were afforded adequate time to transfer funds from victim brokerage and financial online accounts.

Protection from TDoSattacks and other types of fraud requires consumers to be vigilant and proactive. In Newark’s Public Service Announcement (PSA), they recommend the following guidelines for consumers to protect themselves:

  • Implement security measures for all financial accounts by placing fraud alerts with the major credit bureaus if you believe they were targeted by a TDoS attack or other forms of fraud.
  • Use strong passwords for all financial accounts and change them regularly.
  • Obtain and review your annual credit report for fraudulent activity.

If you were a target of a TDoS attack, immediately contact your financial institutions, notify your telephone provider, and promptly report it to the IC3 website at www.ic3.gov. The IC3 complaint database links complaints to assist in referrals to the appropriate law enforcement agency for case consideration. The complaint information is also used to identity emerging trends and patterns.

Resources from Crime in America.Net:

http://www.privacyrights.org/fs/fs17-it.htm; Great and short overview of privacy and theft issues

 http://www.ftc.gov/freereports ;  Get your free annual credit report from Equifax, TransUnion and Experian

Spread them out over the year so you receive one every 4 months

https://www.optoutprescreen.com;  Opt Out of Credit Card Offers under the Fair Credit Reporting Act

 https://www.donotcall.gov/;  The Do Not Call Registry

https://www.dmachoice.org: Direct Marketing Mail Preference Service; Have your name and address removed from the phone book and reverse directories. Opt-out of the sale or sharing of your financial information when given the opportunity by your bank, credit card companies, insurance companies, and investment firms.

Good sources for checking out e-mail Hoaxes:


3 Replies to “High volume telephone calls mask fraud. Resources to fight fraud available.”

  1. Pingback: World Spinner
  2. Although my problem seems minor compared to most, it is still an ongoing pain in the butt. I’m referring to annoying phone calls from telemarketers. I am often awaken from much deserved sleep from late in the evening to early morning with a sudden jolt of the phone ringing, just to hear an UNKNOWN voice on the other end of the line sometimes greeting me as if they knew me and then asking me questions. There is one business in particular called “Dealer Services” who has gone so far as to call me back 3 times and hang up on me because I tell them I’m not interested and to remove my number from their calling list. One of their callers called me at 10:30 one evening and cussed me out. I pay my phone bill! Yet it isnt up to me to decide who uses MY number, the one I paid for!!!! I was shocked to learn that when I tried to contact consumer affairs in L.V. NV. to report this , I was told that dept. had dissolved. DISSOLVED? What the heck did that mean? Several web sites state different laws but not where to go for help. Yet, it is so easy for these son of a bitches to get my phone number and harass me!

    1. Hi Crissy: Sorry to hear of your situation. Please contact the Do Not Call Registry
      https://www.dmachoice.org. Please contact your state Attorney Generals Office immediately. Do both and let us know how it went.
      Best, Adam.

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