Trump, Democrats, crime and the election

Is FBI Data An Accurate Portrayal Of Crime?

Highlights Is there a corollary between the media’s lack of coverage of the President’s cognitive abilities before the debate and their inaccurate portrayal of crime…

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We Ignore The USDOJ's Largest National Increase In Violent Crime-Why?

DOJ: Largest Increase In Homicides-Largest Decrease in Violence-Confused?

Highlights The Bureau of Justice Statistics states that the violent victimization rate dropped 22 percent in 2020. This is the largest decrease in violence ever reported…

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Homicides-Violent Crime-Aggravated Assaults Increased in 2020 Per FBI

Highlights Per FBI preliminary statistics for 2020, there was a 25 percent increase in homicides. Per FBI preliminary statistics for 2020, overall violent crime increased…

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Counting Crime in America Could Get Contentious

Highlights Newsy has learned the FBI is going to stop collecting crime data for its Uniform Crime Report (UCR) from an estimated one in four…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Texas Shooter: Number of Accurate Criminal Records Is Staggeringly Low

Observations “According to the Department of Justice, the number of these records that are actually uploaded is staggeringly low…” ”Even the FBI acknowledges that its…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Negative Publicity Affects Policing Per FBI and Pew

  Subtitle Are Cops Backing Down? The FBI and Pew Say Yes. Introduction We have reports regarding the perceptions of police officers from two reputable organizations.…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Science, Evidence-Based Principles, Donald Trump And Crime Control

  Observations Does everyone in the criminological community religiously adhere to scientific, evidence-based principals before suggesting or implementing policy? What we want and what we…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Economic Criminology-Trump’s Crime Address To Congress

  Observations An examination of Trump’s speech to Congress focusing on crime and justice issues. For those insisting that violent crime is not increasing, you…

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Is Violent Crime Increasing in the United States? New Video

Is violent crime increasing in the United States? This is a new video from Crime in America.Net addressing the most popular article on the website.…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Crime Victims by Age Widespread-Those Age 66 and Above Have High Numbers

  Subtitles Those age 66 and above have the highest raw numbers for burglary-breaking and entering and other categories. Violent crime is concentrated for victims…

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Violent Crime Increased in 2016-Is America Entering a New Era of Violence?

  For the best overview of Crime in the United States and links to recent reports, see Crime Over Time-Crime in America. See FBI charts…

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Most crime occurs at home, roads, parking lots, schools and bars per FBI/NIBRS

The FBI released details on more than 5.6 million criminal offenses reported via the National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) in 2013. The Uniform Crime Reporting…

View More Most crime occurs at home, roads, parking lots, schools and bars per FBI/NIBRS