Does The US Have The Highest Rates Of Crime And Incarceration?

Highlights Does the US have the highest rates of crime and incarceration? Incarceration numbers going up in other countries while it’s declining in the United…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Offender Recidivism: What Works-What’s Hogwash

Subtitle We may be making progress as to reducing recidivism in the United States. Author Leonard Adam Sipes, Jr. Thirty-five years of speaking for national…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Parole Caseloads Longer, More Violent, More Challenging Since 2005

Subtitles The use of discretionary parole increased dramatically. The parole population from 2005 to 2015 included the same percentage of active cases (83 percent) when…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Despite Reform Efforts, Probation Hasn’t Changed Much Since 2005

Observations  The probation population from 2005 to 2015 included more active cases when they were supposed to decline due to diversions. Treatment doesn’t exist beyond…

View More Despite Reform Efforts, Probation Hasn’t Changed Much Since 2005
An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Top Ten States for Imprisonment- State Incarceration Rates Over Time

  Observations The District of Columbia and Louisiana have the highest rates of incarceration. Main has the lowest rate of incarceration. Author Leonard A. Sipes,…

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