Criminal Rehabilitation Programs-Some Work-Most Don’t

Offender Rehabilitation And Reentry Programs-What Works “Programs that included group work, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) or CBT-like components, counseling, or that used drug court or other…

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Does “Justice Involved Person” Or “Returning Citizen” Degrade The Lives Of Crime Victims?

Highlights Calling a violent white supremacist a justice-involved person seems racist to me. Calling a sexual predator a returning citizen seems sexist. Does the #metoo…

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Parole And Probation Revocations For New Crimes And Technical Violations

Highlights The collective data indicate that most offenders revoked on parole and probation were violated for new crimes, not technical violations. I investigated many cases…

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An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

The Dubious Track Record of Offender Rehabilitation

Observations Is an honest discussion about offender rehabilitation programs possible? The collective data indicate that programs for offenders either don’t work, or make things worse,…

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