Bureau Of Justice Statistics: The percentage of females murdered by an intimate partner was 5 times higher than for males.
Bureau Of Justice Statistics: About 99% of intimate partner violence against females was committed by male offenders.
Think Moscow Idaho homicides.
Editor’s Note
Categories used include intimate partner, someone known to the victim, stranger, and unknown.
The new Bureau Of Justice Statistics report focuses on intimate partner homicides thus previous intimate violence research is offered for context.
From my first domestic violence call as a police officer responding to a woman beaten with a frying pan to extensive conversations with female offenders who were sexually or physically abused as children, it’s obvious that women can have tragic relationships with men they know.
This observation is substantiated by the fact that 76 percent of female murders were perpetrated by someone known to the victim.
I include a quote from another Bureau Of Justice Statistics document that “99% of the intimate partner violence against females was committed by male offenders.”
Context-Intimate Partner Violence-Previous Bureau of Justice Statistics Data
Females age 18 or older experienced higher rates of intimate partner violence than females age 12 to 17 (4.5 per 1,000 compared to 1.7 per 1,000, respectively).
Black females historically have experienced intimate partner violence at rates higher than white females.
Hispanic and non-Hispanic females experienced intimate partner violence at about the same rates (4.1 per 1,000 females age 12 or older versus 4.3 per 1,000, respectively).
72% of the intimate partner violence against males and 49% of the intimate partner violence against females was reported to the police.
About 99% of the intimate partner violence against females was committed by male offenders. About 83% of the intimate partner violence against males was committed by female offenders.
New BJS Report: The Percentage Of Females Murdered By An Intimate Partner Was 5 Times Higher Than For Males
Of the estimated 4,970 female victims of murder and nonnegligent manslaughter in 2021, data reported by law enforcement agencies indicate that 34% were killed by an intimate partner (emphasis added). By comparison, about 6% of the 17,970 males murdered that year were victims of intimate partner homicide.
Overall, 76% of female murders and 56% of male murders were perpetrated by someone known to the victim (emphasis added). About 16% of female murder victims were killed by a nonintimate family member—parent, grandparent, sibling, in-law, and other family member—compared to 10% of male murder victims.
A larger percentage of males (21%) were murdered by a stranger than females (12%).
For 1 out of every 3 male murder victims and 1 out of every 5 female murder victims, the relationship between the victim and the offender was unknown.
About The Data
The National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) is a data collection system designed and maintained by the FBI that compiles data on all crimes recorded by participating state and local law enforcement agencies. NIBRS captures extensive information on each incident known to law enforcement.
The NIBRS database collects detailed information on 52 different offenses that can occur within a crime incident and collects arrest only information for an additional 10 offenses.
In 2021, national estimates of crime were based on data received from about 11,790 of the 18,800 law enforcement agencies in the United States, representing approximately 65% of the U.S. population. (See BJS’s National Incident-Based Reporting System page and the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer for more information.)
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