“I think for a lot of us, we don’t realize how we become dangerous to other humans because we do not care about ourselves, nor do we care about others.” Kansas City Star
Young offenders witnessed and experienced high levels of violence likely to cause trauma. For example, almost one-half (49%) witnessed someone being shot, and 30% witnessed someone being killed. The symptoms most strongly associated with exposure to violence were hostility and paranoid ideation.
Of the 1,354 study participants, 83% witnessed community violence at more than one time point, and 43% were direct victims of violence in the community at more than one time point.
The researchers found that adolescents who witnessed violence or were victimized by violence were more likely to be charged with a crime against a person at a later time.
Violent offending was nearly three times as high for those who experienced childhood maltreatment compared to those with no history of childhood maltreatment, and these differences continued from adolescence into adulthood.
Leonard Adam Sipes, Jr.
Retired federal senior spokesperson. Thirty-five years of directing award-winning public relations for national and state criminal justice agencies. Interviewed multiple times by every national news outlet. Former Senior Specialist for Crime Prevention for the Department of Justice’s clearinghouse. Former Director of Information Services, National Crime Prevention Council. Former Adjunct Associate Professor of criminology and public affairs-University of Maryland, University College. Former advisor to presidential and gubernatorial campaigns. Former advisor to the “McGruff-Take a Bite Out of Crime” national media campaign. Certificate of Advanced Study-Johns Hopkins University. Former police officer. Aspiring drummer.
Department of Justice Research
The article (below mine) from the National Institute of Justice of the US Department of Justice is offered in its entirety with minor edits for readability. It provides an excellent overview of the research as to childhood trauma and possible solutions.
I engage in multiple discussions with reporters as to the root causes of crime. When I mention that the fundamental root cause is child abuse and neglect or exposure to family or community violence, I get an audible pause.
Every article I read as to what cities could or should do about crime fails to mention these conditions. It’s as if children or young adults are expendable. Either no one cares or it’s too politically incorrect to address.
When discussing the impact of growing violence, US Crime Rates, I mention the devastating impact on economic development (forthcoming article) and poor performance in schools or substance abuse or chronic disease or depression or mental health issues.
Some believe that I’m advocating rather than acting as an impartial observer. Others want to blame social conditions or a wide range of disparities. Some criticize offender interactions with the justice system.
I interviewed hundreds of offenders at length throughout my decades in the justice system. I sat with over a hundred young offenders charged with homicide in the Baltimore City Jail gaining insight into violent crime for a governor’s crime summit. Most offenders believed that violence was in their best interest. Most believed that they would not live past the age of thirty.
The vast majority spoke of growing up with violence either in their households or in the community. Most expressed that their childhoods were less than ideal with missing fathers or uncaring mothers. Most started substance abuse early. Most did not do well in school. Most claimed to have levels of depression or anxiety or other mental health issues.
Offender substance abuse and mental health and severe medical issues are well documented by Department of Justice research.
There is a ton of data as to PTSD and brain injuries among young offenders. Child sex abuse and physical violence is part of the experience of 80-90 percent of women offenders, see Child Abuse and Neglect.
The reaction of many to the family and community pipeline to prison is typically tragic. Some will accuse me of making excuses for criminality. Ninety percent of what’s written about root causes do not mention experiences within the family or community.
We are convinced that there is a school-to-prison pipeline or an arrest-to-prison pipeline. We just can’t bring ourselves to “blame” disadvantaged people regardless of the results.
Why people are so willing to excuse child abuse and neglect and physical violence as a root cause of crime is beyond my comprehension. There are effective programs, see Nurse Family Partnerships. See Crime Solutions.Gov for additional examples of successful family and child-related programs.
There’s nothing wrong with focusing on poverty or discrimination but if we eliminated the effects of bad parenting or community disfunction, we could probably cut violent crime in half, probably more, probably within a decade.
If we care about the welfare of children, ignoring abuse and neglect and physical violence guarantees more dysfunction. If we care, we will act.
See More
See more articles on crime and justice at Crime in America.
Most Dangerous Cities/States/Countries at Most Dangerous Cities.
US Crime Rates at Nationwide Crime Rates.
National Offender Recidivism Rates at Offender Recidivism.
An Overview Of Data On Mental Health at Mental Health And Crime.
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My book based on thirty-five years of criminal justice public relations,” Success With The Media: Everything You Need To Survive Reporters and Your Organization” available at Amazon and additional booksellers.
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Research From The National Institute of Justice
A dangerous or life-threatening experience may become a traumatic event for a child. The child may see the event as an intense threat to his or her safety and will typically experience a high level of fear or helplessness.
Trauma may result from a wide range of events, including accidents and natural disasters. Of great priority to those in the public safety and justice fields, traumatic experiences may be caused by exposure — as a victim or a witness — to community violence, domestic violence, sexual abuse, or terrorist attacks.
Trauma experienced during childhood may result in profound and long-lasting negative effects that extend well into adulthood. The direct effects may be psychological, behavioral, social, and even biological.
These effects are associated with longer-term consequences, including risk for further victimization, delinquency and adult criminality, substance abuse, poor school performance, depression, and chronic disease.
The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has supported many studies over the years to help increase our understanding of the complex dynamics of childhood exposure to violence. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) has also supported research, programs, and training to better understand and improve responses to children exposed to violence and childhood trauma. Together, these efforts help inform the development and enhancement of programs, practices, and policies designed to prevent violence, reduce the impact of violence on children and youth, and improve the capacity of the criminal and juvenile justice systems.
In 2016, OJJDP funded seven research projects in response to a competitive solicitation titled Studies Program on Trauma and Justice-Involved Youth.
These studies — now managed by NIJ — look at trauma and justice system involvement from multiple perspectives to provide a better understanding of the pathways from violence exposure and trauma to involvement in the justice system. They also explore possible protective factors that reduce the likelihood of delinquency as a negative consequence of trauma, as well as the effectiveness of trauma-focused interventions for youth. This article discusses findings from this collection of studies and their implications for the field.
Study |
Project Title |
Research Grant Recipient |
Area of Focus |
1 |
A Longitudinal Investigation of Trauma Exposure, Retraumatization, and Post-Traumatic Stress of Justice-Involved Adolescents |
University of Maryland |
The evolution of exposure to violence and psychological distress among justice-involved adolescents who are serious offenders |
2 |
Violence Exposure, Continuous Trauma, and Repeat Offending in Female and Male Serious Adolescent Offenders |
Loyola University Chicago |
The prevalence and longitudinal patterns of continuous trauma exposure (during and after justice involvement) in serious adolescent offenders |
3 |
Exposure to Violence, Trauma, and Juvenile Court Involvement: A Longitudinal Analysis of Mobile Youth and Poverty Study Data (1998-2011) |
The University of Alabama |
Whether traumatic events increase the risk of juvenile justice system involvement for vulnerable adolescents |
4 |
Trauma Exposure, Ecological Factors, and Child Welfare Involvement as Predictors of Youth Crossover Into the Juvenile Justice System |
University of Chicago, Chapin Hall Center for Children |
Pathways from trauma exposure to juvenile justice involvement for children and youth who have been involved in the child welfare system |
5 |
To Understand the Role of Trauma, Exposure to Violence, and Retraumatization for Justice-Involved Youth, Particularly for Clients Who Identify as LGBTQI or GNC |
Hennepin County |
Trauma and violence experienced by justice-involved lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning/unsure, asexual, and gender nonconforming youth |
6 |
Maltreatment and Delinquency Associations Across Development: Assessing Difference Among Historically Understudied Groups and Potential Protective Factors |
Child Trends Incorporated |
Potential protective factors at the peer, family, school, and neighborhood levels that disrupt the relationship between childhood maltreatment and later offending |
7 |
Trauma-Informed Interventions for Justice-Involved Youth: A Meta-Analysis |
George Mason University |
Review of available research on trauma-focused interventions for justice-involved youth and at-risk youth who experienced some form of trauma in their lives |
Exposure to Trauma Among Juvenile Offenders
Five studies examined the relationship between childhood trauma and juvenile justice system involvement. Three of these studies drew on existing longitudinal research on justice-involved or high-risk youth. Another study analyzed linked administrative datasets from multiple systems in Chicago. The final study involved primary data collection from justice-involved youth in a Minnesota county.
Exposure to Trauma and Trauma Trajectories
Researchers at the University of Maryland used data that were originally collected for the Pathways to Desistance study, which analyzed multiple waves of interview data gathered between 2000 and 2010 from 1,354 justice-involved male and female participants. Participants in the Pathways to Desistance study were serious youth offenders in Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania, and Maricopa County (Phoenix), Arizona, who were between the ages of 14 and 17 at the time of their offense.
Using the Pathways to Desistance data, the University of Maryland researchers examined the prevalence and patterns of trauma exposure, as well as the most strongly associated psychological symptoms. They also identified and described trajectories of trauma exposure and trauma symptoms from adolescence into early adulthood (i.e., ages 16 to 23).
These justice-involved youth witnessed and experienced high levels of violence likely to cause trauma. For example, almost one-half (49%) witnessed someone being shot, and 30% witnessed someone being killed. The symptoms most strongly associated with exposure to violence were hostility and paranoid ideation.
The researchers categorized participants into four groups:
Minimally exposed to violence.
Witnessed gun and non-gun-related violence.
Exposed to non-gun-related violence.
Exposed to gun and non-gun-related violence.
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