An overview of crime statistics in the US

A User-Friendly Summation of Updated US Crime Statistics

Updated late October 2023

This article promotes a yearly summation of the best, user-friendly crime statistics from federal and related sources.

Did you know that most Americans are victimized by crime on a yearly basis?

Did you know that the USDOJ just released statistics stating that violent crimes increased at a record rate?

Did you know that fear of crime is at record levels?

Where do you find all this information?

The purpose of Violent and Property Crime Rates In The U.S. is to provide readers with data on crime in America that’s up-to-date and reader-friendly.

This article is a quick summation of the most important crime data. It’s comprehensive. It tells the story of US crime from trusted sources regardless of political implications. It explains the complexities of crime statistics to give readers numbers “and” context.


A comprehensive, reader-friendly overview of crime with a focus on violence in the United States.

Summations of yearly sources plus links are included for FBI and National Crime Victimization Survey statistics along with other authoritative data.

Keywords: Crime, violent crime, crime rates, crime statistics, violence, crime in the United States, crime in the US, crime in America, crime research, FBI, National Crime Survey, National Crime Victimization Survey, Bureau of Justice Statistics, Gallup.

All quotes are edited for brevity.

My book is based on thirty-five years of criminal justice public relations,” Success With The Media: Everything You Need To Survive Reporters and Your Organization,” available at Amazon.


Leonard A. Sipes, Jr.

Retired federal senior spokesperson. Thirty-five years of award-winning public relations (and explaining crime data) for national and state criminal justice agencies. Interviewed multiple times by every national news outlet. Former Senior Specialist for Crime Prevention for the Department of Justice’s clearinghouse. Former Director of Information Services, National Crime Prevention Council. Former Adjunct Associate Professor of Criminology and Public Affairs-University of Maryland, University College. Former advisor to presidential and gubernatorial campaigns. Former advisor to the “McGruff-Take a Bite Out of Crime” national media campaign. Certificate of Advanced Study-Johns Hopkins University. Former police officer. Aspiring drummer.

A Layperson-Friendly Summation And Analysis of Crime And Fear of Crime Data for Recent Years

My Background:

I summarized crime and justice issues for dignitaries and practitioners when I worked for two US Department of Justice agencies, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (senior specialist for crime prevention) and the National Crime Prevention Council (director of information services).

I supplied overviews of crime and criminal justice topics to every national and international media source for 35 years as a director of public information for criminal justice agencies along with the national entities cited above and earned over 50 national and regional awards.

I take the complicated topics of crime and justice and offer observations and research summations that the non-criminologist can understand based on my academic and criminal justice experience which includes six years in law enforcement.

What Violent and Property Crime Rates In The U.S. Does

This article puts relevant research and data on crime, fear of crime, victim information, crimes reported (and unreported) to law enforcement, an overview of who’s victimized, and other relevant topics in one place.

It offers a yearly summation of crimes (and links) from the FBI and the National Crime Victimization Survey, the two principal resources on crime from the US Department of Justice.

The last entry of this article explains the difference in data offered by the FBI (crimes reported to law enforcement) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (a survey of crime victims similar to the national census). Those differences are examined throughout this article. Understanding the variances may assist readers in comprehending the findings of both reports.

The National Crime Victimization Survey is a product of the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS). Both BJS and the FBI are US Department of Justice agencies with long histories of offering crime data.

There is significant intricacy when discussing crime statistics.  Analyzing crime becomes complex because readers have to go to multiple reports or locations to understand primary sources. We put most of the relevant data here so users can gain quick access and a better perception of crime in America.

This article offers a comprehensive overview of crime since 2015 (older data is included) with a focus on violent crime in the United States.

We try to be layperson-friendly in our presentation and use of data from a variety of federal and reputable sources.

It’s not necessary to review all sections. Please feel free to scroll to the topic that interests you.

Topics by category are listed below.

Violent and Property Crime Rates In The U.S. Contains Four Sections 

First, an analysis of crime data for recent years (2015-2023) with an emphasis on violent crime. Older data is included for context.

2022 is the latest yearly data available from the FBI and the National Crime Victimization Survey. Both were released in the fall of 2023.

Second, it includes summaries of FBI and National Crime Victimization Survey data including links (below). The FBI offers crimes reported to law enforcement agencies, where the National Crime Victimization Survey (sometimes referred to as the National Crime Survey) counts all crimes through a methodology similar to the national census via interviews. Both are US Department of Justice agencies.

A minority of violent crime is reported to law enforcement (42 percent) hence the need for a national survey.  The National Crime Victimization Survey originates from the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Third, there is additional data from Gallup. Other sources are listed throughout the article.

Fourth, there is an explanation of the differences between the FBI (crimes reported to law enforcement) and the National Crime Victimization Survey (a measure of all crime) at the bottom of this report.

Subsections Of Violent and Property Crime Rates In The U.S.

Page 2: New-Increased Use Of Big City Police Crime Dashboard Data-What Could Affect Crime Reporting To Law Enforcement

Page 3: Property Crime-The Long-Term Decline In Property Crime Is Over

Page 4: Complexity Of Understanding National Crime Statistics

Page 4: Examples of Complexity Of Crime Statistics

Page 5: Quick Summation Of The Most Recent Yearly Violent Crime Data-2022

Page 6: Quick Summation Of Yearly Violent Crime Data-2021

Page 7: Context-Historic Lows in Crime Before 2015

Page 7: Have Past Historic Lows for Violent Crime Ended?

Page 8: Latest Crime Data From Researchers-2023-Homicides and Shootings Are Down?

Page 9: Latest Crime Data From Media Reports-2022-Homicides Decreasing? Big Increases For Some Categories

Page 10: Latest Crime Data From Media Reports-2021-Increasing Crime

Page 11: FBI’s New Method Of Collecting and Reporting Crime Data

Page 12: A Focus On The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey

The Rest Of Violent and Property Crime Rates In The U.S.

Page 13: Who’s Impacted? Data On Victims Of Crime And Violence

Page 14: Violent Crime Never Increased?

Page 15: Crime Reporting To Law Enforcement

Page 16: Fear of Crime

Page 17: Identity Theft-Fraud

Page 17: Claimed National Election Decreases In Violent Crime From The FBI and BJS

Page 18: DOJ Report-Repeat Victimization 50 Percent of All Violent Victimization

Page 19: Summaries Of FBI and National Crime Victimization Survey Data Over Time Plus Links:

Page 19: Brief Yearly Summation-FBI-2022-Most Recent Yearly Data

Page 19: Brief Yearly Summation-National Crime Victimization Surve-2022-Most Recent Yearly Data

Page 20: FBI-Crimes Reported to Police-Extended Summary of Recent Years

Page 21: National Crime Victimization Survey-Extended Summary of Recent Years

Page 22: Links For The Latest Data Involving Crimes Reported To Law Enforcement Agencies (through the FBI) Includes FBI  Press Releases.

Page 22: Links For The Latest Data From The National Crime Victimization Survey are contained on their website.

Page 23: Data From Gallup

Page 24: Three National Measures of Violence-The FBI, the National Crime Victimization Survey, And Gallup


Explaining crime in the United States is complex. Doing it in one article is a challenging endeavor. We look forward to your comments and suggestions.

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See More

See more articles on crime and justice at Crime in America.

Most Dangerous Cities/States/Countries at Most Dangerous Cities.

US Crime Rates at Nationwide Crime Rates.

National Offender Recidivism Rates at Offender Recidivism.

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