Crime in America.Net
Dear readers: This is the latest list from Forbes ranking cities for crime and other issues ( and before you start writing as to why your city did not make the list, please see for all the research on crime rankings for cities, states and countries.
Every organization providing rankings for crime measure “dangerousness” differently; thus the difficulty when comparing jurisdictions. If you firmly believe that Cleveland or Baltimore or any other city should be on the list, believe me, they are. There just on another list based on that author’s unique definitions.
Forbes data includes crime and traffic fatalities. A few cities were left out because data was not available.
We apologize for the confusion but the reality is that “dangerousness” depends entirely on the definitions one brings to the discussion. There is no uniform definition as to what constitutes a safe or unsafe city.
When you read the article, see the section on safe cities; New York City makes the list. Now none of us ever believed that New York would ever make anyone’s list of the safest cities in America, but New York has made amazing strides in crime control over the last 20 years through analyzing statistics and aggressive policing through concentrating on hot spots.
We have a section at the bottom of that explains the difficulty of comparing one city to another based on what most believe is the best way to calculate crime comparisons; use of crimes reported to police. Yet as the section implies, that method is filled with endless pitfalls.
The Country’s Most Dangerous Cities
1. Memphis, Tenn.
2. St. Louis, Mo.
3. Kansas City, Mo.
4. Detroit, Mi.
5. Miami, Fla.
6. Tulsa, Okla.
7. Nashville-Davidson, Tenn.
8. Indianapolis, Ind.
9. Oklahoma City, Okla.
10. Stockton, Calif.
Atlanta, Ga.
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