An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

The Reality of Crime: Simplifying Stats and Fear Of Crime For Today’s Reader


An explanation of recent and older crime and fear of crime statistics and research for the layperson.

Most federal crime reports and websites are intricate and difficult to read and understand, the reason for creating this report.


Leonard Adam Sipes, Jr.

Author of ”Success With The Media: Everything You Need To Survive Reporters and Your Organization” available at Amazon and additional booksellers.

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Daily news summations on crime, violent crime, law enforcement, and the justice system are offered under “Google Crime News” in the banner of this website.

Violent and Property Crime Rates In The U.S.-Updated

Yes, crime statistics can be complex and confusing. My goal was to place recent and long-range crime data in a fairly short document that anyone can understand. It includes fear of crime and a variety of additional topics

See Violent and Property Crime Rates In The U.S. for the full report.

I have close to 40 years of experience summarizing crime data for presidents, governors, organizations, the media, and everyday people. I provided crime and criminal justice data during thousands of media interviews.

I summarized crime and justice issues for dignitaries and practitioners when I worked for two US Department of Justice-funded agencies, The National Criminal Justice Reference Service (senior specialist for crime prevention) and the National Crime Prevention Council (director of information services). 

I supplied overviews of crime and criminal justice topics to every national and international media source for 35 years as a director of public information for state criminal justice agencies and the national entities cited above.

I take the complicated topics of crime and justice and offer observations and research summations that the non-criminologist can understand based on my academic and criminal justice experience including six years in law enforcement.

There is significant intricacy when discussing crime statistics.  Analyzing crime becomes complex because readers must go to multiple reports or locations to understand primary sources.

I try to answer most crime and fear of crime questions here.


Page 1: Subsections Of This Report

Page 2: Context For This Report–What You Need to Understand

Page 3: Property Crime

Page 4 Summations Of Recent Crime Data, 2021-2024

Page 5: Historic Lows For Crime

Page 6: Crime Data From City Police Crime Dashboards

Page 7: FBI’s New Method Of Collecting and Reporting Crime Data

Page 8: Explaining The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) National Crime Victimization Survey

Page 9: Who’s Impacted By Crime?

Page 10: Violent Crime Never Increased?

Page 11: We Have Never Lived In Safer Times?

Page 12: The Complexity Of Crime Statistics

Page 13: Fear Of Crime

Page 14: Identity Theft-Cybercrime

Page 15: Federal Crime Data Presented Before National Elections

Page 16: Repeat Victimizations

Page 17: Brief Summations of FBI and National Crime Victimization Survey Data By Year

Page 18: Extended Summations Of FBI and National Crime Victimization Survey Data By Year

Page 19: Links To Sources For FBI and National Crime Victimization Survey Data By Year

Page 20: Data From Gallup

Page 21:Three National Measures of Violence-The FBI, the National Crime Victimization Survey, And Gallup

Page 22: Appendix-Media Reports on Crime


This report was designed to be of service to the average reader. Crime data can be difficult to find, read, and understand. There are endless interpretations and opinions about crime statistics. It sometimes seems like an impossible topic to grasp. The goal was to make the data as simple and accessible as possible.

Comments and corrections are welcomed.

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 See More

See more articles on crime and justice at Crime in America.

Most Dangerous Cities/States/Countries at Most Dangerous Cities.

US Crime Rates at Nationwide Crime Rates.

National Offender Recidivism Rates at Offender Recidivism.

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